Friday, April 06, 2007

It ain't over till the fat lady sings...

Yep, that's right, I'm a fat lady. Katrina here, letting you all know how big I'm getting. I've included some photos of what I look like these days, plus one of me in my favourite position - on the couch, right under the fan, with my feet up, trying to finish Mum's jumper before Wriggly makes his/her entrance. Apparently our baby is a little on the large side, which is freaking me out a little, but no-one at the hospiltal seems worried. Other people seem quite comfortable in telling me just how ENORMOUS I am, a habit that I've learnt to smile weakly at. Sigh...

Our one big day of antenatal classes is next Saturday (14th) so hopefully that will be illuminating. At the moment we feel quite underprepared - we don't even know where the labour ward is, let alone what the facilities are like, or what to expect. I'm gathering war stories from everyone I know who's had a baby recently, trying to feel a little more prepared. I finished up Uni and RE this week, so now I can devote myself to sewing some huge PJs (for wearing around the hospital), cleaning all my junk out of Wriggly's room and sanding/painting a chest of drawers.

We're feeling a mixture of excitement, fear, and like we're standing on the edge of an abyss, about to plunge into alien territory. We can't believe we're about to be parents! We wonder what our baby will be like. We asked if it was a boy or a girl, and it kicked at girl, and did nothing for boy, but then I had a dream that I gave birth the other night (in my sleep, actually, so I didn't feel a thing - if only...) and in my dream it was a boy, so who knows? And we're missing you all. I'm getting more and more emotional about everything, and especially about not having any member of our families come to visit us in hospital, or anyone who's known us for more than 18 months, for that matter. We will feel the distance much more acutely then, we think. But God is good, and he will look after us!

1 comment:

Kate said...

lucky you can actually sing, imagine if it was over when the dad to be sang - or wriggly had to wait for some other member of your in-laws to actually sing in tune!

Good on you wriggly - keep them guessing re your gender, it's fun to have something over your parents. Caleb says you'll be able to enjoy this for a while as his parents still have trouble figuring him out (not his gender but other important things like what ahhh means and that he would like a bath more than once a life time!)