Saturday, June 30, 2007

Reading the paper

Never too early to start. A great way to spend Saturday afternoon. Looks like Sally agrees!

Outdoor Sally

Indoor Sally

She smiles! Really, she does.

At about one month old, Sally started to smile! We were not sure that she was really smiling at what she was looking at (you know, actually intending to smile) but a few times she has fully laughed. She particularly responds to other small children. She gurgled beautifully at her cousins and some kids in the supermarket the other day. And sometimes she's even laughed at us. The only problem is hardly ever having the camera at the ready to capture it, but we think we've got some pretty good evidence...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

We finally figured out how to do bathtime, and as you can see she's loving it these days!

Plus here's a picture of Sally doing her best koala impersonation...

The many faces of Sally

Friday, June 01, 2007

Cousin Caleb

Here's a picture of Sally next to a picture of her cousin Caleb. Do you think they look alike?